
tgp submission software

Link back to us from the galleries you are submitting and your gallery ranking will be increased. A list of banners and valid linking code can be found on our recip linking code page. Below you can find some tips and ticks for successfull submissions and how NOT to get your gallery banned from our database ! Please save yourself and us valuable time and don't try to trick us. Our spam buster works 24/7 !!!!!

* (tip!) Make your life easier and get CHAMELEON SUBMITTER to get your gallery posts listed on free sex tgp and other sites.
* (tip!) Get a PARTNER ACCOUNT for higher gallery ratings, skip email confirmations and code verifications.
* (tip!) For more partner account we advice you visit the automated PARTNER REQUESTER site.
* Rule 1 : The minimum download speed of your gallery needs to be at least 5 kilobytes per second.
* Rule 2 : No more then 10 external links are allowed on the gallery page.
* Rule 3 : Duplicate urls will be rejected. Don't try submit a gallery twice.
* Rule 4 : No illigal content whatsoever is allowed. This includes animal sex.
* Spam buster : Galleries with connection errors will be automatically removed from the database.
* Spam buster : Galleries with broken urls will be automatically removed from the database.
* Spam buster : Galleries that forward in any way will be automatically deleted and banned.
* Spam buster : Galleries where the page has changed since submission will be deleted from the database.
* Spam buster : Anyone trying to spam in any other way as described above will be deleted and banned from our system.